Partners Training For Transformation is a learning process for community leaders and others interested in social transformation, based on the workshops developed by Anne Hope and Sally Timmel in Africa. Training for Transformation is about learning about transforming ourselves, our communities and our society into sources of justice and equality. The programme is an immersion in participative and experiential learning.
The programme is built around the three circles framework.
The content can be categorised under the following headings:
The Personal
Creating transformation we need to enhance our personal confidence, competence and commitment. The course offers opportunities to better understand ourselves and the approach we take to the work. It offers opportunities to strengthen our motivation and passion for creating a better world. It offers personal skills in key areas such as listening, conflict management or problem solving.
The Interpersonal
Creating transformation means working with others. The programme offers opportunities to learn about groups, teamwork, organisational development, dialogue, building social movements and other aspects of collaboration for change.
The Wider Society
Creating transformation means engaging with institutions that create and maintain injustices and inequalities. This programme offers opportunities to better understand social, political and cultural systems and how we can constructively engage with them.
The Partners Training for Transformation workshop is characterised by the following hallmarks:
The programme is infused with the thinking and educational practice of Paulo Freire. It is focused on social justice. It sees the learner as an expert and the teacher as a facilitator, it is problem-posing rather than
solution-teaching and it follows the energy of participants.
The process draws on a variety of learning methods, theoretical inputs, large and small group discussion, creative expression such as sculpting, writing, art, movement, simulations of real life dynamics, role plays and time for personal reflection.
Learning by doing
The programme aims to explore the development of community by creating a temporary learning community in the group itself. This affords participants a real-time experience of community building, informed by pieces of theory and opportunities to apply the workshop learning to real life.
The programme aims to keep the real-life struggles of creating social transformation in the room. It offers the opportunity to tease out real life situations in the group.
The programmes are for anybody involved in working in any setting for a just and equal society. They may be volunteers, paid workers, community, voluntary or statutory. Programmes can be run in a local community or at a regional or national level with teams from many communities participating.
While the original length of the training was 75 hours, the programme can also be organised in different ways. For example:
Click on the cover page to download the brochure.
I feel more comfortable working with the community and at ease. It doesn't seem like a task anymore. I enjoy it.
I learned a lot on all three levels (personal, group, wider society). Understanding: ourselves, other people's views and not presuming that one knows the needs of others. Listening: to what people are saying and not saying. Awareness: that it is important to respond to society’s needs, people’s needs, not what we think they are.
I know now how important it is to be involved and participate. Everyone has something important to contribute.
My thinking, feelings and acting have all changed. It's like a ripple effect that works its way out from me.
I think of myself in a more positive way. I have a more self confident approach. I now believe that everyone has something to offer. I am more aware of my own dignity and the dignity of others. I am more interested in people. I feel stronger about issues and have gained the confidence to express feelings on issues.
There was a great sense of equality in the group. No matter who you were, no matter what your background, no one was better than anyone else. No matter whose story it was, all were treated with respect